Friday, August 21, 2009

Eye Candy - Jazlyn

Well it's about that time again to feature another lovely lady for the weekly eye candy section. This week I bring to you Jazlyn.

This lovely lady is 24 years old and she hails from the Great state of NEW JERSEY!!!!!! So please enjoy the pictures.

Jay-Z ft. Kanye West and Rihanna- Run This Town

Ok by now you all should have heard the new joint by Jay-Z ft. Kanye West and Rihanna- Run This Town. Song is dope, in my opinion better than Death of Autotune. If you haven't heard it you're bugging. The video dropped earlier this week and I'm diggin it. But you be tha judge check it out.

Digitial Girl Remix Video

Good morning, I know i haven't posted anything in a couple of days, but don't worry i'm back now. And today i've come across the new video Digital Girl (Remix) from Jamie Foxx ft. Drake, The Dream and of course Kanye West. The video features a different verse by The Dream, who is paying homage to the late great Michael Jackson. It also contains a different beat for the break down. But enough of my typing enjoy tha video.

Monday, August 17, 2009

On My Ninja Turtle Ish

So lately I've been playing the recently released Turtles in Time on Xbox Live with my boy Dex, and it has inspired me to post some cool pics of the turtles. So here enjoy.

Artist Showcase - TUS

I came across this guy TUS on deviantart today and I must say, the dude has some crazy pencil skills. He also is pretty nice when it comes to color too. Here is a sample of his work.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Simple Introduction

Hello and welcome to acomplexxedlife. This blog is just an online expression of what my friends and i think most dudes would be interested in. We're pretty much focusing on Artwork, Video Games, Music, lifestyle, things that make us laugh or shake our heads, and of course women or as we like to say eye candy. We will try and update the blog everyday, and since there are different sections then each day is going to have a different update. So we hope you enjoy reading the blog as much as we enjoy writing. PEACE!